Instructor : Enid Newberg & Joseph Crane
Jupiter says “yes” to life and the world, Saturn says, “not yet” or “not gonna happen.”
Jupiter tends toward joining in and flourishing within the larger world, but Saturn limits and excludes. Jupiter takes us to larger horizons than the merely personal; Saturn, keeping its dark counsel, offers its own strategies. Jupiter and Saturn themes of inclusion and exclusion sometimes collaborate and sometimes conflict.
Held over three consecutive Tuesday evenings in February, we will explore together the underlying mythologies and legends of Jupiter and Saturn, how astrologers have interpreted these two planets, and how to assess their placements and interactions. We will also examine the cycles of Jupiter and Saturn in the larger world and in our lives.
The lectures include many example charts of historical and contemporary figures. For our third session, we invite you to bring in your own charts.
Workshop recorded February 2022
Workshop recorded February 2022
Beginning and intermediate students
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