Young, Donna

Young, Donna

Donna Young is a professional astrologer practicing a fusion of traditional and modern techniques. She is immersed in the astrology community at all levels, lecturing locally and internationally, and helps to organize a biennial conference in Alberta, Canada. Her favourite thing (yes, favourite with a “u” because she’s a Canadian and uses “proper” English) is getting people excited about astrology, and holds hope that it will one day be understood and accepted broadly enough that it returns to its roots as an essential part of education.

Donna is a graduate of the former Kepler College degree program and a faculty member in the Fundamentals Certificate program. She keeps things running behind the scenes as Director of Operations and Chief Mole Whacker.

Believing in the importance of professionalism in astrology, Donna served as an OPA board member, is a peer group leader, a contributing author to The Professional Astrologer, and is OPA’s western Canadian Satellite Representative.

A city dweller for many years, she has returned to her roots in rural Alberta. As a Cree Metis, she is fascinated by indigenous star culture, and gardens using the cycles of the moon as her guide.

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