Mundane Astrology for Political Elections

Mundane Astrology for Political Elections

Course offered only once every four years

The prediction of political elections is a topic generally only addressed by astrologers in an ad-hoc way when an election is impending. This course presents a systematic approach to learning the type of factors which could improve accuracy if studied as a general approach.

Instructor: Lee Lehman
E310 (5 weeks) – Summer 2023-24
Class begins July 27, 2024
Advance pricing until: July 13, 2024

NOTE: If this is your first academic course with Kepler College or you have not paid the one-time registration fee ($40) in the past, please add this to your order. This fee payment is required for all academic students.

The one-time Registration fee is a separate store item found as the last item in each term grouping.

This course is taught in English. Proficiency in English is required for all students.


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Instructor: Lee Lehman
Day: Saturday, beginning July 27, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Course Length: 5 weeks – all live sessions are recorded



By the end of this course, students will understand the method of designing ways to study the astrology of political elections in a way where the results are objective. They will have acquired experience addressing the specific time-related questions that are unique for different countries or other mundane entities. They will have worked with models for defining factors which may produce predictable results using both mundane events and natal considerations.

Weekly Topics:

1. The Mundane Factors regarding an election, examined with historical data provided

  • Learn how to research the mundane mechanics of an election
  • Test your data to examine synodic factors
  • Create a rubric for the examination of election charts


2. Classifying Results into categories which can be studied

  • Adjust the rubric you began to study last week as you now add favorite or home arguments
  • Begin to compare election day charts with solar and lunar factors in the rules of gaming and war
  • Begin to compare election day charts with the usual mundane dates in the rules of gaming and war


3. Unique effects of Eclipses

  • Adjust the rubric you began to study in the first week as you now consider whether it is better to study the prior eclipse, or whether an eclipse is within Lilly’s time range of the effectiveness of an eclipse
  • Consider how to pick the factors you would like to study
  • Reach conclusions about historical interpretation of eclipse length


4. Designing a Model, Assigning Points

  • Learn how assigning variable points can impact results
  • Consider the difference with using specific but unusual factors vs. more common lower pointed factors
  • Create a best-case model with pointing inserted into your model


5. Charts of Contestants Assimilation Assignment / Database of US presidential candidates natal charts

  • Using the mundane models examined so far, examine the paired nativities for success factors at the time of their contest
  • Compare timed charts to solar charts to consider whether it is possible to work with untimed data


Required reading:

None required. PDF references will be provided. Chart data will be presented in Solar Fire chart files. The program Jigsaw (Esoteric Technologies and Astrolabe) is recommended, but not mandatory.


  • Completion of RA301: Mundane Astrology, or by permission of instructor.
  • Must feel comfortable with spreadsheets and Zoom sharing.
  • General astrology software mandatory. Chart files will be provided in Solar Fire Format.
  • Do not plan to take this course for credit unless you can attend most or all of the live classes.




View Lee’s bio here


Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday July 31st, 2024


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