Gully, Ali

Gully, Ali

Ali Gully is the voice and visionary behind Ascent Astrology. She blends her background in therapy and passion for Hellenistic astrology into her work. With a BA in Political Science, a MSW from Tulane, and a MA in Organizational Psychology, Ali uses the person-in-environment approach when working with clients and organizations. She taught many classes in crisis management, self-care, ethics, as well as the basics and predictive methods of astrology.

Ali is a strong proponent in astrological pedagogy and apprenticeships; she has mentored under Maureen Leininger, Kelly Surtees, and April Elliot Kent. Ali is a member of several professional astrological organizations including the AFA, OPA, ISAR, AFAN, and NCGR. She is currently on the Steering Committee for AFAN specializing in Media Watch, Scholarship, and Membership. She is also on the editorial staff of Midheaven Magazine. Ali Gully lives with her husband, son, daughter and Scottish Terrier in Wisconsin.

Her email is:

View Ali’s bio here

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