Gehrz, Andrea

Gehrz, Andrea

Portrait of Andrea Gehrz

Andrea Gehrz has been a professional astrologer for 24 years. She currently resides in Portland, Oregon, and works exclusively online. While she has written over 15 books on Astrology, including several ancient Greek to English translations, she is most well-known for her miraculous textbook entitled Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner. In this pinnacle text, Gehrz teaches the reader how to resolve ANY problem in an astrological chart.

Nowadays, Andrea can be found at the Moira Press, running a bookstore and events space/school. Through the daily events at the Moira Press, astrologers from all over the globe read high level textbooks, have deep discussions about the topic of the week, learn to read their own charts, become better astrologers, and much more. Andrea is also available for Astrology Readings, Tutoring, and one-on-one mentoring.

Would you like to work with Andrea or join the Moira Press community? Email Andrea at to get on her mailing list, or friend her at Facebook to talk to her daily. Send a friend request to Andrea Gehrz. Her website is She would love to hear from you!

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