Bhagat, Meghna

Bhagat, Meghna

Portrait of Meghna Bhagat

With award-winning speaking skills and certifications in evolutionary and horary astrology, Meghna Bhagat brings a deep commitment to personal growth and experiential learning, developed over decades. This foundation in self-discovery enhances her teaching, helping astrologers not only deliver insights but connect authentically with their audiences. Meghna has spoken at prestigious institutions such as OPA, ISAR, the Mayo School, the Astrological Association, Synchronicity University, Nightlight Astrology, and many others. She now shares her passion for impactful communication at Kepler College. Her class invites astrologers to make complex ideas accessible, creating messages that inspire, inform, and resonate. Meghna’s supportive approach empowers students to find their voices and fully embrace the power of astrology to reach others meaningfully.

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