Barnes, Lori

Barnes, Lori

Portrait of Lori Barnes

Lori is a bi-continental astrologer living in Rome, Italy and Illinois, USA. Her never ending love of learning and adventure has taken her from her small town upbringing in downstate Illinois to Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Palm Springs, San Diego, and Rome, Italy.

She has a BA in business, MA in psychology, MA in marketing. Her astrology education includes the Rod Suskin three-year diploma, Hellenistic certification with Chris Brennan, Medieval and Prediction courses with Bernadette Brady, and mentoring with Kelly Surtees. She is a licensed marriage and family psychotherapist.

Lori started studying astrology in 1994. She is an astrology coach who mixes counseling and positive psychology with astrology to help people navigate their life calling.

Lori served on the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN) board from 2019 to 2023 and served on their Mentoring and Community Event Committees. She is currently the marketing director for Kepler College and teaches the ‘Marketing for Astrologers’ course there.

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