Instructor: Moon Zlotnick, with Lori Barnes as Teaching Assistant
Day: Saturday, beginning April 12, 2025
Time: 9:00 – 11:30 AM Pacific Time
Course Length: 2 weeks – all live sessions are recorded
Since 2015, Moon has worked with close to 100 grieving clients, using the Death Chart as a way to bring hope and healing to their lives after the loss of a loved one.
What You’ll Learn:
- The emotional, counseling, and empathic skills needed to work with grieving people. You will gain a basic understanding of grief, loss, and trauma. You will learn how to ground, center, clear, and cleanse before and after a death chart session and ways to open and conclude a death chart session.
- An introduction to counseling skills necessary for working with death charts.
- The astrology of working with death charts. You will learn to see the aspect patterns corresponding to loss in the natal chart, understand how to delineate a death chart, and how to integrate eclipses with the death chart (in a bi-wheel) as a way to bring understanding, hope and healing to the client.
Weekly Topics:
- Focus on understanding both grief and trauma and how they can be delineated in the birth chart, along with ways to create a healing and helpful experience for the client during a death chart session. Specific emphasis will be placed on how to open, maintain, and close a Death Chart session, along with the importance of self-care in doing this work.
- Learn to interpret the Death Chart itself, understand it in relation to the client’s natal chart, and use eclipses before and after the death to bring a deeper understanding of the loss.
By the end of this course, students will:
- Be able to define the stages of grief and recognize them during a client session. Additionally, they will learn the difference between loss and suffering and how to help those who are suffering too much.
- Have an understanding of trauma, how it presents in a client session, and how to respond appropriately.
- Learn to identify trauma and planetary indications of loss in the birth chart.
- Analyze the role of eclipses, using our understanding of the nodes and how they add deep meaning to bereavement, loss, and healing.
- Learn the three-part system, including how to identify loss in the natal chart, how to analyze a death chart, and how to synthesize the eclipses and transits surrounding death to bring meaning and hope to their clients.
A solid Natal Astrology foundation; if you do not understand the concepts below, or are unsure of how to work with them, please gain further training before registering:
Natal chart fluency, especially the meaning of aspect patterns such as T squares and Grand trines.
Predictive fluency, including how to interpret Solar Eclipses and outer planet transits to natal charts.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Registration closes at 8:30am on Saturday April 12th, 2025
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