Instructors: Cindy McKean & Joseph Milnes
Day: Sunday, beginning April 6, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Course Length: 5 weeks* – All live sessions are recorded
*There will be a one week break on April 20, classes resume April 27
What You’ll Learn:
- Improve your ability to correlate the objects in the sky with the planets and points in astrology charts, AstroCartoGraphy maps, and your local space lines.
- Understand how cardinal directions and hemispheres connect with compass astrology.
Weekly Topics:
- Orientation: Where in the world are we?
- Definitions: The “astronomese” relevant to AstroMapping will be explained.
- What the planets have to say: How properties of the planets are connected to how the lines fare.
- Dividing the sky: Where the planets are in the sky and how they look on our maps.
- Bringing it altogether: How all the puzzle pieces fit together for a 3D understanding of our charts and maps.
This class is very interactive. While you can watch recordings of the Live classes, you will gain the most if you attend and participate during the Live sessions.
Required Course Materials:
- Pencil (preferably with an eraser)
- Highlighters, pens, or colored pencils (4 different colors)
- Blank papers (8″x11.5″ or A4)
- Protractor
- Ruler
- Calculator
- Blank charts (we will provide a digital copy that you can print)
Also needed:
- A comfortable workspace.Consider: Ability to view the Live session while having a space in front or side of you with enough room for the tools listed above. While you can passively sit through this class or audit, it was designed for you to follow the Live session with hands-on engagement at your workspace and follow up homework to solidify your learning experience.
We will demonstrate the astronomy and astrology using:
- Freeware: Stellarium and This way all students can use the free tools to follow the interactive lessons during class and on their own time.
- Professional AstroMapping software (you don’t need professional software for this class)
- Various graphics: from a wide selection of open sources, software, and organic creations.
- An understanding of the meaning of the four angles in a natal chart
- A basic understanding of the roles of the planets and aspects
- All the material from the free Kepler College course Introduction to Astrology, available by clicking here
Cancellation and Refund Policy
View Cindy’s bio here
View Joseph’s bio here
Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday April 9th, 2025
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