RC210 – Introduction to Counseling – Spring 2023-24
This course is an introduction to astrological counseling. Students will explore what constitutes a relationship and locating relationships in the astrological chart. In addition, they will learn basic psychological principles and issues, as well as gain an understanding of ethical considerations and concerns when working with clients.
Required Texts:
Cunningham, Donna. Counseling Principles for Astrologers: Becoming an Effective Change Agent. www.moonmavenpublications.com, 2006.($15 at url on left)
Duncan, Adrian Ross. Astrology: Transformation and Empowerment. Samuel Weiser, 2002.
Mulligan, Bob. 2001. Between Astrologers & Clients. Naples,FL:available at theastrologycompany.com (or by calling 941.261.2840)
Click here for a video showing a classical technique for understanding relationship with the parents.