MD101A – Medical Consultation & Decumbiture Chart Interpretation I – Audit
This course was recorded in 2023
This course is the first half of a module teaching the traditional art of decumbiture and medical consultation chart interpretation. Students will be introduced to many of the principal figures in the Renaissance astrological tradition and their work. The course covers key differences and similarities between consultation charts, decumbiture, and horary charts. Ethical and practical limitations of astrological prognosis will be discussed; techniques will include the use of reception, crisis charts, and horary predictive techniques in defining astrological prognosis, in addition to general remediation or counsel which may be adduced from the astrological chart.
Prerequisites for the student taking this course: students should have astrological knowledge of signs, houses, planets, transits, and progressions. A basic understanding of key traditional concepts such as planetary dignities, sect, and reception are also essential.
Set texts / required reading:
1. Culpeper, N. (1655; repub. 2003). Astrological Judgment of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick. Astrology Classics, U.S.A.
2. Masha’allah (8th century; repub. 1998). On Reception. [ed. & trans. Hand, R.] Archive for the Retrieval of Historical Astrological Texts, U.S.A.
1. Uses of decumbiture, consultation charts, and medical horary. Includes historical examples, similarities and differences, ethics and limitations, and an overview/exemplification.
2. Prognosis 1 – general prognosis. Reviews and expands material from MD100, including how to assess the general state of the chart e.g. hour ruler, aspects to the Sun and Moon; houses and their rulers, specifically the ascendant, the 6th and 8th houses, the 7th and 10th houses etc.
3. Prognosis 2 – specific prognosis. Reviews and expands material from MD100, including horary predictive techniques using the Ascendant ruler and the Moon, and Masha’allah’s Reception-based technique.
4. Prognosis 3 – Crisis Charts. Covers the use of Lunar and Solar medical crisis charts based on the decumbiture or consultation chart, and their use as transit charts to the nativity.
5. Remediation 1 – general recommendations. Describes the use of horary techniques such as planetary dignity and reception to help guide astrological counselling of clients dealing with medical issues.
This course equips students with the techniques to give an astrological prognosis and provide a framework for designing treatments or lifestyle interventions using consultation charts, horary charts and decumbitures, for the purpose of helping clients to obtain the best outcomes and navigate medical issues, and to help guide a therapist or treatment provider. The course covers traditional concepts of prognosis, in addition to discussing the limitations and ethical responsibilities of the practitioner; it will enable students to utilize astrology to help clients dealing with medical issues in practical and responsible ways.
At minimum, astrological knowledge of signs, houses, planets, transits, and progressions. A basic understanding of key traditional concepts such as planetary dignities, sect, and reception are also essential.
Prior completion of MD100 is preferable but not essential.