CATEGORY: Fall 2023-2024

H105 – Astrology, Rebirth, and the Spiritual Life – Fall 2023-24

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

What can we tell from an astrological chart about the soul and potential past lives? It’s a really good question, and astrologers have been finding answers since ancient Greece. This course looks at the intersection of ideas about the soul and astrological interpretation from ancient to modern. Each week, students will have a chance to work with a different technique, applying it to their own charts and the charts of others.

This course presents an overview of reincarnation’s role in astrological practice and students are strongly encouraged to actively participate in both the live sessions and in online discussion forums. Basic knowledge of astrology is required, for we’ll look at different astrological techniques that have been used to tease out information about the soul’s incarnations.

Weekly topics include:

  1. Planets are divine (or at least they are people)!
    The Western tradition: karma and metempsychosis
    Meeting the characters
    The ascent and descent of the soul
    Talking to your planets
  2. Daemons are Forever
    Find your soul’s guardian spirit – Techniques from our astrological ancestors
    How to use the astrological chart to help a planet in need
  3. Karma and astrology from the Indian perspective.
    Indian astrology’s approach to the lunar nodes
    Using the entire chart to talk of soul, incarnation, and reincarnation.
  4. The rebirth of reincarnation and astrology in the 1800s
    The soul’s ghostly rise – Spiritualism
    Theosophy’s multiple children consider reincarnation and the astrological chart:
    The Wheel of the Zodiac and the Seven Rays
  5. The Evolution of Evolutionary Astrology
    Birth and rebirth in modern times
    Pluto and the Nodes
    Reclaiming the Past

Our emphasis: engage in meaningful conversation; enjoy deeper exploration; and give astrologers additional tools for meaningful interpretation.

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