[Wkshp] Call Down the Planets: Strengthen Your Natal Placements [Recording]
2 Session Workshop on Saturday, August 12 & 26, 2023
9:00-11:30 am Pacific Time
Learn how to actively call upon your planets to help solve problems and enhance your life. Drawing from both ancient and modern methods, this workshop will introduce astrological techniques to draw down the planets from the sky and into your daily life.
This workshop will introduce core techniques that you can use to create your own talismans and altars using planetary symbols, correspondences, and ritual. These practical methods bring astrological interpretations into acts of co-creation.
The first session shows how to use ritual and electional astrology for the care and strengthening your challenging planets. The second session examines how systematic interventions based on planetary functions can help remedy problems and obstacles. Participants will have a private discussion board to share the results of their own experiments with each other and get additional feedback from the presenters.