Symmetry in Astrology

Symmetry in Astrology

Most chart interpretation is done on the ecliptic using standard aspects and sign and house positions. But there are other ways to get similar information from a chart that are based entirely on symmetry. Probably best known of the symmetrical techniques is declination, planet distance relative to the celestial equator. Other traditional techniques that employ symmetry include antiscia and Arabic points. The Hamburg School, aka Uranian Astrology, and later Ebertin’s Cosmobiology, place a major emphasis on symmetry and nearly all interpretive work is based on it.

Mentor: Bruce Scofield, Ph.D.
Self Study Course


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Mentor: Bruce Scofield, Ph.D.
Course: E205 Symmetry in Astrology
Self Study Course : 4 months to complete


Most chart interpretation is done on the ecliptic using standard aspects and sign and house positions. But there are other ways to get similar information from a chart that are based entirely on symmetry. Probably best known of the symmetrical techniques is declination, planet distance relative to the celestial equator. Other traditional techniques that employ symmetry include antiscia and Arabic points. The Hamburg School, aka Uranian Astrology, and later Ebertin’s Cosmobiology, place a major emphais on symmetry and nearly all interpretive work is based on it.

This is a 10-week in-depth online class. The class website will have videos, readings, discussion forums, assignments and more. Students will be able to directly contact the instructor if they have questions.

Week 1: Coordinate systems – measuring the sky
Week 2: Declination and Latitude
Week 3: Antiscia and proportional arcs, equal openings
Week 4: Lots (Arabic Parts)
Week 5: Intro to Uranian Astrology
Week 6: Midpoints and Planetary Pictures on the 360 degree dial
Week 7: Midpoint trees, midpoint sorts, arc openings
Week 8: The 90 degree dial and houses
Week 9: Solar arc and the TNPs
Week 10: Edith Wageman and the Composite Chart



Required Material

  • Ebertin, Reinhold, 1972, 2000. Combination of Stellar Influences, translated by Roosedale and Kratzsch, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, AZ.
  • Simms, Maria Kay. 1989, 2001. Dial Detective, Rev. 2nd Edition. Kensington, NH: Cosmic Muse.



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