Illuminating Relationships: Natal Promise & Synastry

Illuminating Relationships: Natal Promise & Synastry

Develop a solid, basic understanding of how to analyze and delineate both a person’s essential relationship nature and their potential impact on others.


Fundamentals or equivalent knowledge; a firm, basic foundation of the planets, signs, houses, and aspects.

Instructor: Dorothy Oja
C207 (5 weeks) – Spring 2024-25
Class begins May 1, 2025
Advance pricing ends April 17, 2025

NOTE: If this is your first academic course with Kepler College or you have not paid the one-time registration fee ($40) in the past, please add this to your order. This fee payment is required for all academic students.

The one-time Registration fee is a separate store item found as the last item in each term grouping.

This course is taught in English. Proficiency in English is required for all students.

Original price was: $295.00.Current price is: $280.25.

Pay in Full Pay with Payment Plans

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Instructor: Dorothy Oja
Day: Thursday, beginning May 1, 2025
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM Pacific Time
Course Length: 5 weeks – all live sessions are recorded



First, we’ll start with ourselves to understand our own relationship nature.

In subsequent classes, we’ll develop a solid, basic understanding of how to analyze and delineate both a person’s essential relationship nature and their potential impact on others. We will continue further to explore synastry, or how one person’s chart impacts and interacts with the chart of another.


Weekly Topics:

  1. Relationship Goals
  2. Know Thyself
  3. Synastry
  4. Comparing Need in Synastry
  5. Putting it Together


Required Books:

  • Clark, Brian. 2018. From the Moment We Met: The Astrology of Adult Relationships. LSA/Flare.
  • Steven & Jodie Forrest. 2002. Skymates: Love, Sex and Evolutionary Astrology. Seven Paws Press.



Fundamentals or equivalent knowledge; a firm, basic foundation of the planets, signs, houses, and aspects.



View Dorothy’s bio here


Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday May 7th, 2025


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