Instructor: Marie O’Neill
Day: Saturday, beginning May 10, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Course Length: 5 weeks – All live sessions are recorded
Life Coaching and astrology are a perfect fit for a counseling astrologer. The astrologer co-collaborates with the client as both coach and astrologer to achieve goals based on the strengths and challenges seen in the astrology chart. The astrologer now has an on-going coaching relationship with the client rather than seeing the client once or twice a year. Additionally, the astrologer is in the position of being a more effective guide which not only leads to the success of the client this also fosters better client retention.
This course is divided into two 5-week classes. The purpose of the first five weeks is to provide instructions on the fundamentals of Life Coaching for astrologers which includes:
- the four elements of coaching
- how to use the chart to recognize talents and the potential for success along with what is potentially holding the client back concerning achieving their goals
- determining your niche
- how to combine coaching with astrology
- how to support the client
- how to ask the right questions
- setting up the coaching session, practice coaching sessions with peers
- how to be a co-collaborator with the client.
Grading will be done via written quizzes, reading assignments, class participation and practice coaching sessions.
Required Texts:
Links, articles, and handouts will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday May 14th, 2025
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