Challenge Test – R110: Chart Calculation

Challenge Test – R110: Chart Calculation

This challenge test is designed for those who have a background in astrological studies and are interested in working toward a Diploma. It is a structured demonstration of equivalent knowledge for the Chart Calculation R110 course. Once completed successfully, you will be awarded a 10-week credit.

There is a time limitation. Once purchased, you will have 4 months to complete this Challenge Test.


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Challenge tests are designed for those who have a background in astrological studies and are interested in working toward a Diploma. They are a demonstration of equivalent knowledge for the specific academic courses that are offered. Once completed successfully, you will be awarded a 10-week credit.

Kepler College offers these challenge tests for self-study students or students who have studied at other schools to gain academic credit as they work toward their Diploma.



All Challenge Tests must be completed within 4 months of purchase. If you are not able to complete the test within the time frame, please wait to purchase the test.

When you register, you will receive an email identifying your mentor and contact for grading. Once completed, the results will be emailed to you within two weeks.

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Available Tests

W101 Introduction to Astrology, W102 Chart Interpretation Tools, W110 Predicting Major Life Circumstances, M100 Chart Calculation


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