Upcoming terms that are open for enrolment are listed below. To view and/or register for courses, either click on the category or input the course name or instructor in the search bar.
A One Time Registration Fee is required for all students that enroll for courses. If you have not paid for this in the past, please add it to your cart at checkout.
All courses at Kepler College are taught in English unless noted otherwise. Proficiency in English is required for all students.
Practicums, Introduction to Counselling and Consulting Skills classes require live attendance to be awarded academic credit.
Many courses require books and preparation prior to the course start date. After registration, please sign in to your classroom to see what might be required and to test the Zoom links that are provided.
click here to meet some of your instructors
NEW STUDENTS: To access your online classroom, follow the link to the New Student Info page on our website.