RH115 – Astrological Heritage: Babylonia Through Hellenistic – Winter 2024-25
Astrology developed within cultures, not independently of time and place. Understanding the geography, historical periods, and concurrent cultural beliefs helps us to understand the types of astrology and astrological techniques that developed in response.
This five week history course covers the beginning of recorded astrology, offering a survey of the historical periods incorporating astrologically significant events and discoveries. We’ll explore the major periods from Mesopotamia to the Hellenistic Era and discuss the contributions of each.
Students will also be introduced to concepts such as The Origins of science and philosophy, Christianity, Islam, Hellenophilia, Orientalism, Scholasticism and Humanism.
Students will:
- Examine how astrology originated in various cultures and what questions it sought to address
- See how astrology became embedded in mainstream culture in these societies
- Study the lineages in which different astrological theories developed
- Examine the relationship between the history of science and religion, philosophy and mythology
- Examine the changes in cosmology throughout history and how these changes affected society’s attitudes.
- Critique the intellectual shifts in religion and philosophy that led to the modern scientific and secular worldview, and the rejection of intuitive ways of knowing
- Explore how changes in 20th-century philosophy and science affected the arts and sciences, and how 21st-century research is moving toward a more inclusive world view.
Deepen your astrological practice and study the cultural lineage from which the tradition emerges, with this historical survey of the foundations of astrology.
This course is required for the Professional Diploma, although it can also be taken as an elective.
Weekly topics:
1. Mesopotamian Contributions
2. Egyptian Contributions
3. Greek Contributions
4. Hellenistic Astrology
5. Rome and Astral Religions
Required Books:
- A History of Western Astrology Volume
I: The Ancient and Classical Worlds Original title:
The Dawn of Western Astrology: The Ancient and Classical Worlds by Nicholas Campion - A History of Western Astrology Volume
II: The Medieval and Modern Worlds by Nicholas
Suggested Text:
- A History of Horoscopic Astrology by
James Herschel Holden - Mythology Cliff Notes
Cliffs Notes study guides offer expert commentary
on major themes, plots, characters, literary devices, and historical
Pre-requisite: None