AstroMapping: Remedial Measures for Local Space/Compass Astrology

AstroMapping: Remedial Measures for Local Space/Compass Astrology

Strict adherence to the prerequisites for this course. 
Eligibility – have taken and passed Astrology of Local Space – Course ID WL221A or AM202
All registrations will be verified
This course is not for the Beginner Astrologer.

This course is designed for practical application of AstroMapping techniques. Students will learn how to select from both Astro*Carto*Graphy and Local Space options in order to answer common client questions.

Explore the history of remedials, including the use of magic.

Instructor: Tamira McGillivray
AM203 (5 weeks) – Fall 2024-25
Begins October 27, 2024
Advance pricing until October 13, 2024

NOTE: If this is your first academic course with Kepler College or you have not paid the one-time registration fee ($40) in the past, please add this to your order. This fee payment is required for all academic students.

The one-time Registration fee is a separate store item found as the last item in each term grouping.

This course is taught in English. Proficiency in English is required for all students.

Original price was: $295.00.Current price is: $280.25.

12 in stock

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Instructor: Tamira McGillivray
Start Date: Sunday, beginning October 27, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Course Length : 5 weeks – All live sessions are recorded



Learn how to choose the right remedial for the job by creating a Living System through the use of: Color / Stones / Objects / Prayer & Affirmations, as well as creating actions that remediate troubled planets and work with the client’s goals and problematic areas of life.

Weekly Topics:

  1. A Short History of Remedials, including Feng Shui-Bagua; Eastern Astrology; Vaastu; Western Magic. How Compass Astrology (AKA Local Space or Horizon astrology) works as a remedial measure.
  2. Types of Remedials: Color / Stones / Objects, Prayer & Affirmations (Mantra), Action, Planetary Archetypes and their uses in remedial measures.
  3. The Art of Remedials: Chart Work (How to Choose the Right Remedial for the Job), Creating a Living System—using goals based on the client’s values, Inspecting the Chart, Creating a Remedials in the Natal Chart, Goal Setting, Problematic areas of Life
  4. The Art of Remedials: Chart Work (Short Term Remedial) Transits and Progressions and Remedial
  5. Putting it all Together (Project/Practicum)

Required Texts:

To be provided by instructor

Recommended Texts:

Astrolocality Astrology – A guide to what it is and how to use it; Martin Davis, The Wessex Astrologer Limited, Bournemouth England, 1999.

Vaastu: Breathing Life into Space, Robert E. Svoboda, Namarupa Publishers, New York.

The Rulership Book– Rex Bills, Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co. Inc., Virgina.


The Book of Rulerships – Keywords from Classical Astrology; Dr. J. Lee. Lehman, PhD; Whitford Press, Pennsylvania.

Pre-requisite: Completion of AM202 AstroMapping: The Astrology of Local Space with Tamira McGillivray.  This course is not for the Beginner Astrologer.

Cancellation and Refund Policy


View Tamira’s’s bio here

Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday October 30th, 2024


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