Vocational Astrology

Vocational Astrology

Learn core techniques that help your clients evaluate what types of work environment allows them to thrive. This class introduces vocational astrology through a hands-on set of techniques and exercises. Students will test different methodologies on their own charts and the charts of well-known personalities.

Instructor: Enid Newberg
E201 (5 weeks) – Fall 2024-25
Class begins September 21, 2024
Advance pricing until September 7, 2024

NOTE: If this is your first academic course with Kepler College or you have not paid the one-time registration fee ($40) in the past, please add this to your order. This fee payment is required for all academic students.

The one-time Registration fee is a separate store item found as the last item in each term grouping.

This course is taught in English. Proficiency in English is required for all students.


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Instructor: Enid Newberg
Day: Saturday, beginning September 21, 2024
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 AM Pacific Time
Course Length: 5 weeks – all live sessions are recorded



The best job is one that matches who we are with how we earn a living. When there is a mismatch, we experience anxiety, frustration, and burnout. After two years of pandemic-induced stress and change in the workplace, millions of people are re-evaluating what they want to do with themselves to earn money. As astrologers, we have tools that can assist our clients to assess how their interests, abilities, values, and personalities impact their daily work.

Weekly Topics:
  1. Introduction to vocational counseling and creative visualization. This week explores the basics of career counseling from a cultural and astrological perspective. Students will combine creative visualizations with astrological symbols to gain insight into an individual’s personality (for example, graphic depictions of “I like/I dislike” and “I want/I don’t want”)
  2. Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 1. The Personal Planets and the Angles: their expression, needs, challenges, and interactions.
  3. Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 2. The Astrological Houses: Traditionally, astrologers have used the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses along with the Midheaven as indicators of career. But the other houses also have their roles.
  4. and 5. Putting it together. Students will explore the effectiveness of different astrological methods to interpret career potential.

Fundamental astrological knowledge–planets, signs, houses, and aspects.

Required reading:

All required material will be provided by the instructor.

Cancellation and Refund Policy




View Enid’s bio here


Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday September 25th, 2024


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