PD205 – How to Shine as a Sun Sign Columnist – Fall 2023-24
Course description: Providing free, regular content is a sure way to quickly build traffic to your website. For this course, you will be learning how to write Sun Sign columns and will become part of the Kepler College syndicate.
This five-week course will give you plenty of opportunities to fine tune your skills in one of astrology’s most recognized fieds as a Sun Sign columnist. From identifying your talents by reflecting on the hidden gems in your own chart to contributing to Kepler College’s blog, you’ll be working as part of team to create a full year of Sun Sign columns.
Students will be expected to contribute to the content of the Kepler College website and write scripts for the Kepler College YouTube channel
Weekly topics covered:
- How do they do that? — Looking at how well known Sign Sign Columnist work
- Your First and Tenth Houses — Building our team brand and finding your place within it
- Your Fifth and Sixth Houses — Planning our collaborative work for Kepler College, monthly and weekly columns
- Unleashing Your Creativity — Peer reviewing, daily columns
- Marketing and Making Money
Pre-requisites: A basic understanding of signs, houses, aspects and transits is needed.
Required material: Proficiency with and access to AstroGold or SolarFire programs are very useful, but Astrodienst will do free charts.