Traditional Disease Tendencies in Medical Astrology

Traditional Disease Tendencies in Medical Astrology

Learn to assess the nativity using principles for  judging the strengths and weaknesses of the chart as understood in traditional medical astrology.

Instructor: Lee Lehman
MPC331 (5 weeks) – Fall 2024-25
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Kepler College courses MPC306: Elements, Humors, Temperaments and MPC316: Melothesia: Astrological Anatomy, or by permission of instructor.
Class begins September 21, 2024
Advance pricing until September 7, 2024

NOTE: If this is your first academic course with Kepler College or you have not paid the one-time registration fee ($40) in the past, please add this to your order. This fee payment is required for all academic students.

The one-time Registration fee is a separate store item found as the last item in each term grouping.

This course is taught in English. Proficiency in English is required for all students.


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Instructor: Lee Lehman
Day: Saturday, beginning September 21, 2024
Time:  8:00 – 10:00 AM Pacific Time
Course Length: 5 weeks – all live sessions are recorded



Explore the traditional model for the assessment of health, vitality, and disease using the nativity.

Weekly Topics:

Week 1: Anatomy and astrology

  • Examine the history of Zodiac Man and Zodiac Woman.
  • Examine historical rulerships for parts of the body as presented by historical authors.
  • Discuss variations in assignment of rulerships ancient and modern.


Week 2: The 1, 6, 8 (4, 7, 10) Model of Astrological Analysis

  • Learn to calculate the temperament using the methods of Lilly, Gadbury, and Fage.


Week 3: Pains of the Planets

  • Learn the theoretical basis behind the theory of the pains of the planets.
  • Compare ibn Ezra’s and Lilly’s variations.
  • Compare the two methods by applying them to chart examples


Week 4: The Consultation Chart

  • Study the development of the theory of consultation charts from Valens forward. 
  • Learn to apply this method to medical examples.


Week 5: Practice

  • Practice the methods you have learned in this course.

Required reading:

Lehman, J. Lee. Traditional Medical Astrology. Schiffer Press, 2011.

Additional material to be provided by the instructor.

Recommended Reading:

Alam, Tanwir, Aisha Perveen, and Izharul Hasan. Humoral Pathology. Adjustment and Regulation. North Charleston, SC: CS Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.

Lehman, J. Lee. The Book of Rulerships. Schiffer Press, 1992.


Completion of Kepler College classes MPC306 Elements, Humors, Temperaments and MPC316 Melothesia: Astrological Anatomy, or by permission of instructor.

Cancellation and Refund Policy



View Lee’s bio here


Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday September 25th, 2024


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