Instructor: Marcos Patchett
Date: Saturday, beginning February 8, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Course Length : 5 weeks – All live sessions are recorded
This course is the second of two modules teaching the traditional art of decumbiture and medical consultation chart interpretation. Ethical and practical limitations of astrological diagnosis will be discussed; techniques will include the calculation of humoral imbalance or temperament in both natal and consultation charts, traditional methods for deducing the cause and state of disease in decumbiture charts, and identification of diseased body parts or organs in astrological diagnosis, in addition to specific guidelines for prescription or treatment which may be adduced from the astrological chart.
Weekly Topics:
- Diagnosis 1 – Humoral Imbalance. Includes an overview of astrological diagnostic methods, their limitations and ethical or legal use; and the calculation of humoral imbalance from a decumbiture, horary or consultation chart.
- Diagnosis 2 – Temperament and Physical Dysfunction. Including how to assess the natal temperament, and how to deduce which body parts may be affected by disease in any chart; how that information may be used to guide treatment.
- Diagnosis 3 – The Cause and State of the Disease. Including the last aspect of the Moon as descriptors of the humoral, physical and psychological causes of disease.
- Diagnosis 4 – Details. Describes how to use charts to find the humoral state and “temperature” of specific organs and what this may imply, and using consultation charts and decumbitures with the natal chart for astrological diagnosis.
- Remediation 2 – Specific Recommendations. Includes the use of the Ascendant ruler, 10th house ruler and other planets in the chart to describe appropriate treatment, and how to assess the client’s current treatment and work towards optimal treatment using astrology.
Set Texts / Required Reading:
- Lilly, W. (1647; repub. 2004). Christian Astrology Bk 1 [An Introduction to Astrology] & Bk 2 [The Resolution of all manner of Questions and Demands]. Astrology Classics, U.S.A.
- Culpeper, N. (1655; repub. 2003). Astrological Judgment of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick Astrology Classics, U.S.A.
Students should have astrological knowledge of signs, houses, planets, transits, and progressions.
Medical knowledge of basic anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology is desirable, and a basic understanding of key traditional concepts such as planetary dignities, sect, and reception are also essential.
Prior completion of MPC321 (formerly MD101A) is beneficial but not essential.
View Marcos Patchett’s bio here
Registration closes at 7:00am on Wednesday February 12th, 2025
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