RP201 – Transits – Spring 2024-25
The natal chart is a snapshot of the planets at the moment of birth. Transits occur when orbiting planets activate the natal chart. The art of prediction includes organizing, prioritizing, and communicating, which transits will result in changes in the inner and outer worlds. In this class, you will learn timing techniques, including annual profections, planetary retrogrades, lunations, and eclipses. Students will receive the tools to create a year forecast.
Weekly Topics:
- Week 1: Transit Fundamentals – Introduction to analyzing and organizing planetary transits. Instruction on prioritizing timing events with annual profections.
- Week 2: Retrograde Cycles – Learn how to use an ephemeris. Understanding the importance of shadows, stations, and planetary retrogrades.
- Week 3: Lunations, Eclipses, and the Lunar Nodes – Harness the predictive power of the solar-lunar relationship.
- Week 4: Cycles of Becoming – Understanding the synodic cycles and important age-related transits.
- Week 5: Mapping the Future – Creating a year-ahead forecast.
Required Reading:
- Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady (any version, but 2022 is most recent and cheapest)
- The Art of Predictive Astrology: Forecasting Your Life Events by Carol Rushman
Optional, but strongly suggested:
- The American Ephemeris 1950-2050 at Midnight by Neil F Michelsen
- Planets in Transit by Robert Hand
Must have a working fundamental knowledge of Planets, Zodiac Signs, Houses, and Aspects.