E210 – Astrological Remediation – Winter 2024-25
In this basic yet highly involved class, students will learn how to approach an astrological chart through a remedy lens. Topics will include strategic planning, symbolic substitution (the act of providing correct contexts for chart signatures), gem remedies, color theory and remediation, using composites and synastry as remedies, and much, much more.
Weekly Topics:
Week1: Ethics, Astrological Diagnosis, Isolating the Planet that Needs Remediation
Students will be able to act ethically. They will be able to make an effective Astrological Diagnosis. They will be able to isolate the planet that needs a remedy.
Week 2: The Planets, Signs, and Houses in Remediation
Students will be able to analyze the planets, signs, and houses from a Remedy perspective.
Week 3: The Aspects in Remediation, Radical Free Will
Students will be able to analyze the exact aspect structure of any cluster in the chart, and apply this to remediation. Students will learn to use a free will lens in their work.
Week 4: Symbolic Substitution, Strategic Planning
Students will be able to employ symbolic substitution, creating appropriate contexts for any planetary energy. They will be able to use Strategic Planning as a Remedy.
Week 5: Gem Remedies, Composites and Synastry, Astrally-Timed Remedies, Miscellaneous Remedies
Students will be able to employ gem remedies, utilize composites and synastry as remedies, time remedies to the natal chart, and more.
Required Reading:
Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner by Andrea Gehrz
Know how to read a natal chart, aspects, and transits. Intermediate.