CATEGORY: Spring 2024-2025

C202 – Working with Parents and Children – Spring 2024-25

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

Using an astrological chart to determine an individual’s psychological temperament has ancient origins. This course applies that knowledge to better understand children. This course is a new approach to looking at temperament using modern child development concepts. The analysis learned in this course can also be used for adult charts and is especially useful for work on compatibility or couple’s counseling.

Applying astrological and modern child development concepts of temperament, this course provides students with a new approach to looking at
• How analyzing and interpreting a child’s chart differs from an adult’s,
• Identifying temperamental “types” and their characteristics,
• Identifying parenting strategies that can more effectively meet a child’s individual needs
• The lifelong influences and effects of temperament on behavior
• How an astrologer can counsel parents in a way that promotes positive developmental progress.
• Possible uses of temperament information in making comparisons among both children and adults, plus applications for couple’s counseling

This course is designed to help the astrologer to understand where there is or is not a good fit between the child and his/her physical and social environment and what that entails. 

Required Texts:

Arroyo, Stephen. 1975. Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements. CRCS Publications. (available on Amazon for $11 – 15)

Hansen, Cornelia. 2018. Kidwheels: Understanding the Child in the Chart. Dorset, England: The Wessex Astrologer Ltd.

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